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Srimad bhagavad gita in hindi gita press gorakhpur registration#
It is a unit of the Gobind Bhawan Karyalaya, Kolkata, registered under the Societies Registration Act.

For sometime past our learned readers have been urging upon us the need to bring out an edition of the Gitã with original Sanskrit text along with its Hindi Gita Press itself has so far published several editions of the Bhagavadgita in different languages, with brief as well as detailed commentaries suiting varied requirements and tastes of readers.Our Gita library alone has about 1400 editions of Bhagavadgitā published in 34 different languages. It is a practical philosophy of living an ideal social life and for this reason it has attracted the attention of scholars throughout the world. As a matter of fact, it is the only book which can be called secular in the real sense of the term. Among all scriptural writings of the world, Śrímad Bhagavadgita occupies a unique place.Book Title : Srimad Bhagavad Gita in Sanskrit Hindi and English.